
Up2Dance > Articoli di: AdminU2d

Ist Transnational meeting and EQF

3 Luglio 2020 |by AdminU2d | Commenti disabilitati su Ist Transnational meeting and EQF | Updates

The UP2DANCE project –a collaboration between Balletto di Roma (Italy), Derida Dance Center (Bulgaria), Magenta Consultoria (Spain), Polish Dance Theatre (Poland), ICK (Netherlands) and Companhia de Dança de Almada (Portugal), with the support of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, continued with an online training program, taking into consideration the pandemic situation.

Initially, the training was supposed to be conducted in Gijón, Spain with two representatives from every partner organization. However, it was adapted to online Skype meetings.

The agenda of the training included lectures and discussions about European Qualifications Network (EQF), ESCO: the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations, The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), and European Quality Reference Framework in VET (EQAVET – Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training). 

The aim of the training was to acquaint the partners with the existing instruments that could be used in terms of updating the professional profiles towards contemporary dance and thus create an equal working environment.

In regards to the stated above, one of the most important instruments to be used in the realization of the UP2DANCE project would be EQF with its purpose to improve the transparency and comparability of people’s qualifications.

The European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) aims to better link different national qualifications systems, acting as a translation device for employers and individuals to better understand qualifications from different EU countries, thus making it easier to work, study or hire staff abroad.

The benefits from EQF could be seen both for individuals and employers in terms of a better understanding of qualifications – what they should know, understand and be able to do; understand the level of their qualification in all European countries and how it relates to others, also compare and interpret the qualifications from different countries and institutions; more easily find a job or engage in further learning or understand their relevance and how do they match company or sector needs.

For more information and updates, follow the @up2danceproject Facebook page, which was launched at the beginning of July.

Round tables Strategy

Following the conducted training and several online meetings, the realization of UP2DANCE project continues with the development of a strategy for organizing round tables on the topics of professional dance profiles (Dancer, Dance Teacher, Choreographer, Rehearsal Director).

Тhe strategy consists of  three phases:

1st phase: Research and preparation of the round tables

Research – Each partner will run a preliminary activity of research, in order to prepare the round tables. (Scouting on the roles addressed; Brainstorming about stakeholders)

In particular, the round tables would involve:

  • VET providers (secondary and tertiary educational institutions, private course providers, professional schools, etc.)
  •  Policymakers (local, regional and national authorities primarily related to education and training and to the recognition of professional qualifications – e.g. Regions)
  •  Representatives of the Dance Sector (SMEs, umbrella organizations, professionals and associations of professionals (as well as trade union representatives) in the field of live entertainment.

Discussion amongst partners – Discussion over the results of the research.

2nd phase: Implementation of the round tables

Because of Coronavirus, round tables have been rearranged/adapted to online ones. If the Coronavirus conditions change, of course, partners are highly recommended to come back to physical round tables, to be re-arranged accordingly.

According to the 3/4 professional profiles agreed and identified (Dancer, Dance Teacher, Choreographer, Rehearsal Director), 3/4 round tables in each partner country will be implemented:

The round tables will involve: internal staff of each partner (dancers, artists, management, trainers and technicians); third parties and external stakeholders;

In case partners want to discuss with a wider audience, they can plan questionnaires or 1:1 interviews.

In each meeting the following themes would be addressed:

  1. Presentation of the stakeholders involved;
  2. Presentation of the aim and objectives of the projects + aim and objectives of the round tables;
  3. Discussion on the profile in terms of:
  •         Definition of the role and of the competencies it needs to have
  •      Entities entitled to release official certification of the role (recognition of professional qualifications);
  •         EQF (knowledge, competences, and skills) validation;
  •       Identification of needs and competencies not covered by the official training system and deficits to be gapped;
  •     Possible recommendations and new methods to address the mismatches between the qualification frameworks and contemporary professional figures.
  1. Conclusions and agreement on the main results achieved.

3rd phase: Final reports

Partners will create final reports with feedback/conclusions that emerged from the round tables.

Launch of the round tables

The first round table will be organized by Companhia de Dança de Almada, Portugal on the professional profile of the Dancer with the name: “Professionalization of the Dancer: The role of Schools of Artistic Training Specialized in Dance”. It will be held on 22nd July 2020 on Zoom.

The table will be moderated by Ana Macara and we will count on the active participation of:

  • Susana Rodrigues (Ana Mangericão Dance School);
  • Madalena Xavier (Escola Superior de Dança);
  • Albino Moura (Lugar Presente – Escola de Dança);
  • Cristina Pereira (Dance Art School of the National Conservatory);
  • Carla Albuquerque (Ca.DA Escola);

Representatives of professional associations who can contribute to this process are also invited:

  • Luisa Carles (1st Position Association);
  • Pedro Fidalgo Marques (Pro-association of dance professionals);

Administration, teaching staff, and dancers of Ca.DA school, and selected dance professionals.

The target group of this round table will be administration, teaching staff, and dancers of Ca.DA school, and selected dance professionals.

The other partners would be holding the round tables in the frame of August – September.

For more information and updates, follow the @up2danceproject Facebook page, which was launched at the beginning of July.