Peer learning workshop C5 in Portugal

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Peer learning workshop C5 in Portugal

JSTE C5: “Dance Training” was introduced in the project to give partners the opportunity of finally explore in vivo several of the practical aspects linked to the dance practice (training methodologies, approaches…) that could only be theoretically or partially practically addressed, since the consortium was forced to hold most of the JSTE online. Being the project about the dance practice, partners found relevant to hold a final JSTE in vivo, where to practically explore different training practices and to commonly reflect on the overall project findings.

The JSTE was held at Ca.Da. premises in Portugal, from September 30th to October 2nd 2021 and attended by professionals from the participating organizations. The training workshop was hosted during the 29th edition of Quinzena de Dança de Almada – International Dance Festival, organised by Companhia de Dança de Almada – Ca.DA, a space for dance presentation and promotion, which offers its audiences a complex of events well representative of national and international contemporary dance. For three days, project partners had the chance to exchange practices and lessons learned during the project, while also widely disseminating project results with the international audience of the festival.

The main aims of the activity were:

  • To review the different training methods and the documentation of artistic work related to those trainings exchanged during the online training activities
  • To exchange practices and acquire new competences about digital approaches to contemporary dance
  • To disseminate project results at local and international level.


Participants were selected among teachers, trainers and/or professionals belonging to the staff of partner organisations according to their function, previous experience, language competences and motivation in working in a transnational context.

During the first day, the JSTE developed the following program:

  • Video Dance Session. The Video Dance session was focused on projects from Portugal presented to the Festival. Following the screening of the videos, partners gathered for a conversation about the dance pieces presented, and the competences regarding different digital approaches to contemporary dance and what emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • International Platform for Choreographers. The participants had the opportunity to watch the first program of the International Platform for Choreographers which represents a showcase of contemporary dance. They could observe how different approaches and trends intersect, and how the session allowed not only exposure to the public and international programmers, but also the exchange between more than eighty professionals from various countries, among creators, dancers, technicians, and programmers who gather during this time in Almada.

During the second day, the JSTE developed the following program:

  • Reflextion session with partners. This session was focused on the performances presented the day before. Participants reflected on the different contemporary dance techniques, tendencies, and good practices discussed and recognised throughout the project.
  • Meeting with partners and Festival participants. Project partners participated in a meeting, open to the festival’s participants, during which they presented the Up2DANCE project results.
  • International Platform for Choreographers/ IInd program session.


During the third day, the JSTE developed the following program:

  • Workshop: Spiritual Body Experience. Training workshop offered by Valerio Longo, from Balletto di Roma.
  • Workshop: FloorFlirting. Training workshop, about the FloorFlirting dance training method, by Giovanni Gava Leonarduzzi and Claudia Latini, in representation of Ca.DA
  • Workshop: Double Skin/Double Mind (DS/DM). In this workshop, Vincent Colomès, in representation of ICK Amsterdam, explored the bridges between core elements of DS/DM and classical ballet.
  • Closing discussion with partners. Partners had the opportunity to discuss main conclusions coming out of the workshop and the whole up2dance project in general. It was noticed the importance of establishing links between dance teachers and other dance professional and empowering dance students to look for the best training options for their specific case. Also, it is fundamental to work towards the recognition by the system of each dance profession. It is known the importance of artistic and cultural involvement in society and the economic impact of cultural industries is evident, but there is a big need for regulation. It is important to assure good work conditions for dance workers employed by companies or theatres, as well as to independent workers. A national and European record of all professionals and the establishment of the statute of intermittent worker would be a possible improvement in the situation.
  • International Platform for Choreographers/ third and fourth program session.